Differently abled students
One of the passions of team ArthaVidhya is to support the segment of people who are differently abled. We find many students who are differently abled (other than Visually impaired), taking up a career in the commerce field, which is apt for their career.
Finding a right tutor to support such students is a major challenge as they need to be equipped with Sign language and industrial exposure. Hence ArthaVidhya took up the task of designing the course to be DIFFERENTLY ABLED FRIENDLY, with the concept of “VIRTUAL OFFICE” and was successful in eliminating the need for tutors.
Students are made to work as a finance person in a simulated environment with the concept of VIRTUAL OFFICE throughout the course,
AI based Interactive Learning Management System
VIRTUAL OFFICE, embedded in our home grown Artificial Intelligence based Interactive Learning Management System helps students by
- Identifying the errors made by them automatically and educating to correct them while working
- Automatic Guidance provided when they are logging into the course for the first time
- Providing financial reports Viz., Balance sheet and P&L of their VIRTUAL Company
- Helps the students understand the impact of each transaction on the financial report. Can view the reports after each transaction to understand the impact.
- Dynamic generation of situations for each student to carry out transactions in VIRTUAL OFFICE
- Capturing Real-time working moments and reporting.
- Automatic analysis and detailed reporting of the assessment with Infographics.
- Helps the students know their area of strength and weakness
- Helps corporates to identify the candidate with appropriate skills
- Realtime-Office, a concept designed to provide exposure to students to work without guidance.
- Once the students complete all the transactions with guidance, they will be taking up a Realtime Office Assessment, similar to a scenario in a corporate, wherein there in no guidance.
- Help at every stage and every screen
- Animated Videos explaining step by step workflow of each process.
- Initial Video tour on process flow
- Information on the utility of various documents.
- Instructions on every screen / page about how to carry out the transaction.
- Online chat support
- Discussion forum for discussion among students
- Link with faculty for clarification of doubts